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Documentary Films

Wildlife conservation documentaries, current and past projects.

In Process!




"The only good snake is a dead snake." "Eeek!" "Oh HELL No!!"

These are some of the many colorful expressions people make when faced with snakes. What makes us fear these serpents so much?

Can we get over our fears, and if we can..., should we?

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A little girl about 8 years old, in a cute pink dress, is approached by three massive, beefy football player types.

She holds something small in her little hands, and the men are curious.

“Wanna see?”

She holds out her prize, and the men immediately jump back, shouting in surprise.

In her palms lays a cute little snake with big eyes and pink flicking tongue.


Now some of you readers just had an immediate gut reaction, much like those young, strong men. No matter your age, gender, economic class, or social standing – people fear snakes. Ophidiophobia, or the intense fear of snakes, is the second most common phobia in the world, and it has been estimated that nearly 1/3 of all adults have it.

So, when a tough guy persona breaks down in tears from a little bitty snake, people just nod and say

“Of course!” it’s just sensible.

But I say, is it really?

Why do we have this fear? Is innate? Is it learned?

Can we get over our fear, and if we can, should we?


In this documentary I am going to explore these questions through the eyes of expert psychologists, herpetologists (those who study reptiles and amphibians), and the general masses – whether they’re snake enthusiasts who own them as beloved pets, all the way across the spectrum to those who can’t even glance at a photo without going into cardiac arrest.

(although, we will try our best to avoid that specific scenario – for health reasons of course)

There is a huge spectrum of emotions when it comes to snakes in human culture. From the love and adoration of a family pet, to downright hate and killed for merely existing. As one of the former myself, I want to do something about the senseless slaughter of snakes here in the United States. Knowing, however, that much of this violence is rooted by fear and hatred I am going to have to reach down to that very root, and pull hard.


By exploring what makes people fearful of snakes I can uncover what can be done to fix it. From my own determination to end the senseless killings, to someone who merely wants to overcome a phobia - I know this documentary will help people.

And in my own selfishness,

I want it to help snakes too.

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How to Get Involved

We're just getting started with Snakes on Scene, and will be needing lots of support from our community to get it going. 

Financial support is the best way to help get this documentary off the ground and into popular movie networks.


Click the donate button above to send money directly to the documentary project!


Note: Tax deductible donation options

will be coming soon.

Crew and On-camera Personelle

We're looking for talented individuals who are interested in being part of the crew on Snakes on Scene, expert psychologists and herpetologists for interviews, as well as brave people to be on camera as we guide them in the attempt to banish their fear of snakes. 

If you are interested in being on the crew email your resume and link to show-reel to

If you think you'd be a good fit for our volunteers or experts on camera, fill out the form below!

Share this project with your contacts on Social Media and get the word out! This will grow our Snakes on Scene community and get the excitement flowing for the final product.

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Courageous People Wanted!

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Previous Projects

A Frog in the Bucket

The Journey of a Courageous Group of Students to Three Rural Villages and their Efforts to Conserve Native Amphibians and the Rainforests of Colombia.

2014 - 2015

A Frog in the Bucket is a documentary that centers on a small band of students from Cali, Colombia who headed to three remote villages with the mission to educate the rural children about the biology and wonders of amphibian conservation. By following these students on their journey we bring audiences from around the world right along with us. 

A Frog in the Bucket - Trailer 1
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Once completed this doc will show the gorgeous and deadly Golden Poison Dart Frog and its equally colorful cousins. We must do this before they disappear entirely. Filming will continue as soon as possible!


Our goal is to shed light on Colombia’s vast environmental value to the rest of the world and show its amazingly rich culture at the same time, drawing in audiences of all walks of life to tune into watch A Frog in the Bucket.

Flat-tailed Horned Lizard
              Desert Project - Short Film


Flat-tailed Horned Lizard BLM Project
Play Video

2011 by Cori Elwood and Jeremy Pelsinski

Produced in conjunction with the Bureau of Land Management, El Centro Field Office.

This is a short film we created for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in 2011 describing the ongoing Flat-tailed Horned Lizard Management Project in the deserts of southern California. The flat-tails, as we called them, are listed as a Species of Special Concern, and their populations are being monitored for threats of extinction. The BLM still uses this video to instruct new interns and as outreach for the public and other organizations.

Filmed on location during the field studies that year, this short film is a blast from the past - made long before I attended film school. As such please ignore the roughness and bad video quality and just enjoy learning about these unique creatures and the people who study them.

Thanks, and enjoy!

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